Let’s cut right into it...college is hard. Not necessarily in immediate ways but hard as in the constant demands it places on you and the emotional toll it tends to take on you. College can leave one wondering daily if this is the right investment to make; will the return be worth all these sleepless nights, rigorous course loads, worry, debt and personal sacrifices?
As a rising junior at a private liberal arts college, these thoughts screen through my mind daily. The closer I get to my fourth year the farther away it seems to be. College is a constant juggle of demands between academia, extra-curricular involvement, friends, family and self (and even being a Resident Advisor if you are like me). This place is more than an institution...college is a lifestyle. Nonetheless, though college deals me my fair share of strenuous work, I still wholeheartedly believe this is the place I should be. College serves as a place of stability while you--still developing and being very much impressionable to the world around you--try to figure this thing called life out. J.K. Rowling once said that rock bottom had become the very foundation on which she rebuilt her life. Many people from all different walks of life often share the same foundation--the cold floor of rock bottom. We call these "Rag-to-Riches" stories here in America. Some people are born here and others find themselves here after suffering a cold blow from life.
At rock bottom there are limited means and limited resources. Rock bottom will be different situations for different people; for some it is where a dollar has to be well-earned through labor power for low wages, while for others it is standing in a line being forced to ask for a hand up. Heck, for some rock bottom is having nothing at all. However, whichever rock bottom you may be familiar with be encouraged that this doesn't mean limited potential. |
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November 2021