J.K. Rowling once said that rock bottom had become the very foundation on which she rebuilt her life. Many people from all different walks of life often share the same foundation--the cold floor of rock bottom. We call these "Rag-to-Riches" stories here in America. Some people are born here and others find themselves here after suffering a cold blow from life.
At rock bottom there are limited means and limited resources. Rock bottom will be different situations for different people; for some it is where a dollar has to be well-earned through labor power for low wages, while for others it is standing in a line being forced to ask for a hand up. Heck, for some rock bottom is having nothing at all. However, whichever rock bottom you may be familiar with be encouraged that this doesn't mean limited potential. It is a World Cup always full of culture that spills over with a wealth of knowledge, activism and diversity. I never fail to see people showcasing their talents, advocating for their deepest beliefs, or different mascot characters that have been the soundtrack to many of our childhoods.
Times Square is absolutely one of the best beautiful sights in the world. My first time there I remember looking up at all the lights and being discouraged by the glare. I was astonished at the power Times Square housed, but fearful at how insignificant I felt in the midst of it all. Today, with maturity and an appreciation for the simple things, I've grown to learn the real power driving the brilliance of time square. It isn't the bright lights, billboards or animated ads. It's the thousands of people that add their own unique flavor to the cup, reminding the world that there is beauty in existence. , |
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November 2021