I went to a forum that would undue everything I thought knew about cover letters and writing resumes.
Throughout my educational career, my creativity in some areas were stifled where they actually mattered the most...like on cover letters.
After reading the book "Why Hire Jennifer" by Richard W. Lewis, received at the forum, I relearned my creativity and realized getting the job you want is about branding yourself. It's about making yourself POP off the paper, and exciting your potential employer about your personality, skill sets, and talents in such a way that nobody else is doing because they are "playing it safe" and quite frankly, presenting themselves to be paper-perfect, but real-life average and boring.
That's the advantage you have about joining the Empowered Ladies League! You are learning about the POP effect.
Ever since I've livened up my cover letters, I've either gotten each job I've applied for or have been told during the interview process how different, and impressive it was! I hope the following serves you as well as it has served me!
- Highlight your best quality
- Correlate your talent and job description you're applying for
- Show some personality
- Aim to inspire
- Always end the cover letter with an invitation to share more of your personal story
- Be brief and to the point
Dear Mack & Associates Ltd Recruitment,
I gobble adversities for breakfast.
If you ask my father he will tell you I raised myself. Growing up having endured maternal abandonment, I became the matriarch of my household as early as third grade. I dressed myself for school, walked myself to school, and had the nerve to still be intrinsically motivated to excel in school. I was reading on an 8th grade level as early as eight years old. It has always been clear to my father I needed to be led and not micromanaged. As professionals serving in the legal sphere, I’m sure you appreciate those around you who are intrinsically motivated and need more leadership than micromanagement.
As a Political Science and Philosophy scholar at Manhattanville College I have more than an inkling of what it takes to secure a job as a legal assistant. Also, as a soon-to-be college graduate who has published their first book and is currently working on their second, I understand the unwavering faith it takes in the midst of unyielding struggle to be successful.
I’ll contact you later next week to see if you would be available to converse about future opportunities in your office.
Lanisha Porter
I gobble adversities for breakfast.
If you ask my father he will tell you I raised myself. Growing up having endured maternal abandonment, I became the matriarch of my household as early as third grade. I dressed myself for school, walked myself to school, and had the nerve to still be intrinsically motivated to excel in school. I was reading on an 8th grade level as early as eight years old. It has always been clear to my father I needed to be led and not micromanaged. As professionals serving in the legal sphere, I’m sure you appreciate those around you who are intrinsically motivated and need more leadership than micromanagement.
As a Political Science and Philosophy scholar at Manhattanville College I have more than an inkling of what it takes to secure a job as a legal assistant. Also, as a soon-to-be college graduate who has published their first book and is currently working on their second, I understand the unwavering faith it takes in the midst of unyielding struggle to be successful.
I’ll contact you later next week to see if you would be available to converse about future opportunities in your office.
Lanisha Porter