by: Lanisha PorterThe untimely and unexpected events in life can very much seem unrelated, chaotic, and meaningless in the moment. But if you step away from the canvas & see the BIG picture, you'll look and see we serve a God who is strategic. Not one detail is pointless. The pain, the adversities, the strain, and the loneliness is all for your good. He's honing your brilliance. YOUR weakness is His strength. Sometimes seeing the big picture takes years, but by and by your eye-view will be 20/20 to what God had you go through. Instead of being crippled by my circumstances, I always challenge myself to believe that God has guided me there in that moment to build something in me. Though I may not like the process, it's necessary for everything I need to become. You deal with the world from the level of your soul so I only allow good things to deeply penetrate my spirit. The eyes are windows to the mind, so I've learned to change how I see things. Instead of enduring a tough time with the attitude of "this is preventing me from happiness" think instead, "this is preparing me for my destiny. It's equipping me with every ounce of strength, newfound wisdom, and skill I need to navigate life's journey." Think good thoughts & imagine good possibilities for the future. Zoom in on the good in life. It's there; even if it's buried under the bad. The test of a true believer is understanding there's purpose and meaning in all that seems unconnected. It's all ordered. Never random. Think about it like this: To a child who cannot read, words assembled on a page just look like random ordering of letters meaning nothing. Life is much like that; for the one with little faith, pain assembled throughout life just seems like random ordering of events meaning nothing. I tell you there's meaning to it all. Have FAITH that in time you will be able to read what it all means very clearly. The pain, the embarrassments, the frustrations, the disappointments, all of it is the very makings of everything you are supposed to become. You just have to keep living to find out. Cry if you must, but keep living. One day you're going to be so happy you went through all you did simply because of how much better it made you! You'll be much wiser and stronger. These are steep prices needed to be paid for the exquisite work of art you someday will be worth. Sadly you cannot cheat or shortcut the process. You will feel the strain, the pressure and all the molding that goes into crafting you. It makes the process more bearable though if you remember it's worth it. Respect the process. Adjust your perspective.
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November 2021