J.K. Rowling once said that rock bottom had become the very foundation on which she rebuilt her life. Many people from all different walks of life often share the same foundation--the cold floor of rock bottom. We call these "Rag-to-Riches" stories here in America. Some people are born here and others find themselves here after suffering a cold blow from life. At rock bottom there are limited means and limited resources. Rock bottom will be different situations for different people; for some it is where a dollar has to be well-earned through labor power for low wages, while for others it is standing in a line being forced to ask for a hand up. Heck, for some rock bottom is having nothing at all. However, whichever rock bottom you may be familiar with be encouraged that this doesn't mean limited potential. Looking up from such a low place such as rock bottom, it seems almost impossible to get so far ahead when you've got such an unfair start leaving you to trail behind. I truly understand. I've took the same glance above and wondered how in the world could I make such a climb with my disadvantages. I've even wondered if it was ever really "in" me to make such a journey...did I actually have that stored potential? Well, as I'm taking the climb I'm convinced it's in me and I own that. Here are three reasons why it's in you too... 1. We're all made the same We are all made of the same things it's just we are socialized differently. For example, no brain is made of some special material greater than another. However, where the differences start are if you exercise your brain--do you read regularly? do you get involved in school or in the community? do you expose yourself to different cultures? The stored potential is equal because every man is made equal, but it’s how you handle that potential that determines a place at rock bottom or a higher place on that success ladder. Will you let your potential stay stored or will you maximize every bit of it to go above and exceedingly beyond rock bottom? 2. Valuable lessons in hardships Although rock bottom is cold and uncomfortable it allows us a chance to look in a very important direction...upward. In looking upward we become almost obsessed with trying to go upward and we are forced to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps. During this time we are all learning some very valuable lessons such as the value of a dollar, the freedom that can come with working hard and the perseverance it takes to move ahead. Learning these valuable lessons make for a holistic person who can sympathize with others who come from different struggles in life. Perhaps if you never had to do manual labor on your feet 10 hours straight, running on less than five hours of sleep, you wouldn’t understand the effort that goes into making ends meet. 3. It actually awakes the underdog Not only does limited resources not mean limited potential but limited means actually is the initiating factor to help us channel our potential. When you've had enough hungry days, slaving hours, bus stop-standing days, and even having-to-ride-with-your-foot-on-the-accelerator-at-stops-so-your-car-won't-cut-off days you are more than willing to maximize any human endeavor you can capitalize on. You crave security and enrichment in your life and you will go any mile to achieve that stability. It is here when the underdog has become awakened...when you start digging a bit more deeper in your own misconceptions of yourself to gain some clarity. You understand that harping on your fears makes no money, no progress and releases none of that stored energy, rather, it only keeps it stored. Rock bottom awakens the fight in us; it makes us break the deadbolt on our stored potential to see the higher places we can actually go. When people don’t have access to quality education, balanced and nutritious meals, or good jobs that allows them to stay afloat the cost of living it does create a disadvantage compared to those who do have that access. But, don't swallow that as defeat because you have a weapon that protects you from not having enough. This weapon is called POTENTIAL. Potential is massive because it carries the blunt force to move you to anywhere you want to go in life if you channel it. I won't leave you with words saying "never underestimate your potential" because you will anyways...you always will. It's a natural habit. However, I will leave you with this—“you cannot allow yourself to be pinned down by those underestimations.” Having limited means is only excusable for so long. You can’t let limited limit you. While it is true you may not be being taught a thorough curriculum at school that prepares you for the next level, doesn't mean you can’t check out a book at the library and teach yourself small things that could very well translate into even bigger things. Limited means doesn’t mean limited potential; it only means you will have to start from rock bottom and build your way up. Just remember along the way up are valuable lessons you have learned and a vicious underdog that not even the people at the top can fathom in the same way you do. Be encouraged. Comments are closed.
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November 2021